UPLB Feb Fair 2016
The annual UPLB Feb Fair was held on February 9-13. That Feb Fair was the best I ever had so far! I was at the fair almost every night and it felt amazing! I should have done that before, I have no regrets though.Tuesday night, I was not able to go to the fair (coz acads. LOL). Wednesday night is when my fair experience started. It was so fun because I was able to watch Ebe Dancel and Gloc 9! They are so amazing! OMG (I was not able to take a picture of Ebe though :( )
Second night, I was not able to watch performances by bands buuuuut my friends and I rode a caterpillar. The ride was nauseating. I think it went on for 15 minutes. I was shouting at kuya operator to stop but he never did, he was just looking at me every time I shout at him. huhu. kuya's very numb. Anyway, the night was fun though since we were able to play the "piso piso" and darts. We also look around booths but we did not buy anything since we are so kuripot.
My last night on this year's Feb Fair was awesomely spent. Hihi. I spent it with my roommates. We roam around, and bought some things. After spending so much and tiring ourselves (LOL), we went to the stage and waited for Spongecola's performance.
Spongecola was so amazing! They made my last Feb Fair 2016 night amazing! Aside from Yael's wittiness, Armo's guitar skills and stage presence is also so cool, it affected me so much!
That night ended my best Feb Fair yet! Hope to have a better one next year!